Friday 7 April 2017

STM - 1.1 Study tips

So I promised a blog post per module - mainly as a way of cementing my learning (I am fairly confident no-one else is reading this blog other than myself - but if I am wrong hello viewer!)

Ironically, I have not been very studious whilst studying the study tips. This is perhaps arrogance on my part, I have a degree, a diploma in Learning and development and a background in academia. I am not sure I need to learn how to study - never-the-less for the sake of completeness at the very least I went through the modules.

And it turns out, yes whilst I don't need to be taught how to learn, a reminder is never unhelpful. M provides the following tips:
  1. take notes - which is sort of what I do with this blog, but a note book wouldn't hurt
  2. keep a beginners mind - be keen to learn and don't assume you already know things - like I did with the study tips
  3. study in blocks - which I started off well with, but it has descended into anarchy in the last week or so, so I need to be more disciplined I think
  4. stay out of the grey zone - where you feel guilty that you are not doing things, I seem to live my life in the grey zone so this is def a good bit of advise for me. Put some time aside for something and focus on it without feeling guilty
  5. make a brain dump - we carry around losts of thoughts all the time, this is about putting these to one side so that you can focus on learning. Equally I am very guilty of this
  6. work hard play hard - make sure you have a good balance of all things
  7. tips on how to study the materials - re-visit them, take a shallow approach and then a deeper appoarch to get the most for the learning.
  8. study habits - schedule time to study and stick to it (I have been particularly bad at this) and turn off phone, emails ect so that studying has your full attention
  9. don't chase two rabbits - just learn one theory and approach at one time so not to confuse yourself, you can branch out later once you have a stronger understanding

So, in order to be a better student I need to be a bit more disciplined, but this blog has been a useful start. Having to explain something means you really need to understand it first.

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