Sunday 9 April 2017

STM 1.8 wheel of mastery assignment

So this is our first official assignment!

Step one is to observe myself and try to address my own imbalance. So observations. here is my wheel of mastery.

I have rated myself pretty high for horsemanship and spiritual... possibly because I have just spend a lot of time focusing on the Straightness training course of late. I really struggle with time. I rated myself a bit lower on emotional and physical as I still have those gremlins and I am pretty unfit atm.

So next step is to identify the areas that absorb and the areas that need me attention.

Areas that absorb my attention - I am not sure if this is meant to be from the wheel - I'll make two lists

  • horsmanship (pony faff)
  • spiritual
  • work
  • facebook faff
  • looking after horses (faffing with them)
  • cuddling the cat

Areas that need my attention

  • time
  • physical
  • emotional
  • groundwork
  • work
  • looking after horses
and now for an action plan:

Things to do to readdress the balance
  • cycle to the horses
  • start doing a ground work session every time I see the horses (three times a week) perhaps do less riding to achieve this
  • worry less (easily said not so easily achieved)
Things to stop doing or delegate
  • facebook faff - going to replace this with straightness training
  • horse faff - try to be more efficient with the time I have with the horses
  • I'd like to delegate work but that isn't happening, and the cat will be too sad if he doesn't get his hugs. I am just going to have to cram everything in.

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