Saturday 29 April 2017

STM 1.4 the training session

The first things to note is that we need to be safe - use a hat, do not wrap the lunge line around your hand, don't put your face too close to the head to avoid a black eye - but most of all - pay attention to the horse, read his signals and keep it safe! Of course also practice in a safe place.

The training session should always start with the end goal in mind, should relate to the previous session and with the next in mind and should have a structure - warm up, middle and end (with the newest exercise at the end). You should always end on a high - which is why the new stuff is at the end, as it is the new stuff that you want to embed therefore stop at each little break through relax and let the horse reflect on what they have learnt.

The duration of the training session can vary, it will depend on the goal and the horse. AS Tonto is older all of our training sessions will have a long warm up and I will aim to not do too much with him to avoid hurting him. M encourages us to accept the best for the day, and realise that it might not be quite as good as yesterday if the horse is sore or we are just having an off day. And If I am having an off day, it is OK just to groom if I am not feeling up to it. Unfortunately I have been having a lot of off days atm so our straightness training has been glacially slow!

M then goes on to give examples of training schedules. Here is a basic one:

Looking at this with my L&D head on I think I can make improvements, mainly by including the why, as keeping why in mind is always fundamentally important for success. This is something I do when I plan my human training sessions - normally if I can't describe why I am doing something it means it won't work therefore I shouldn't do it.

training part time exercise number why
warm up (2mins) 2 mins walking around the arena 1X left, 1X right to warm up and relax the horse
ground work (10mins) 1 mins head low while standing 1X to relax and stretch
  1 mins stelling right and left while standing still 1X left, 1X right to relax, stretch and relax both sides of the horse
  2 mins circle left 2X to stretch out the left hand side and start activating the right hind
  2 mins circle right 2X to stretch out the right hand side and start activating the left hind
  2 mins circle left 2X to stretch out the left hand side and start activating the right hind
  2 mins circle right 2X to stretch out the right hand side and start activating the left hind
ect  ...  ...  ...  ...

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