Wednesday 19 April 2017


Feeling a little dejected today. Went to see t and sof after a week of missing them. Tonto was happy to see me, whinning and coming straight over when he saw me, but when I took his rug off I was alarmed to see how much weight he had lost. Sof has ditched her fly mask and now has balled patches from sweetitch. And the perfect field I thought I had secured for them this summer has been nabbed.

In the end I just cuddled the horses. I was too worried about t to really enjoy riding or do anything constructive with st. He also had a nose bleed on Sunday whilst I was away. Poor boy isn't well.

And I had to shell out another 700 to cover vet fees. Insurance has only paid for 300, not sure why. I am not sure if I should call out the vet again. Just don't know what to do to help him.

On top of this I am behind on straightness training, and fed up of endless theory. Feeling it hard to stay motivated with that.

At least it was nice to see sof excited by her new - not quite as good as the one I had in mind field.  She prance about introducing herself to all the new neighbours. She can do a wounderful elevated trot when she puts her mind to it. The trauma of separating her from Charlie was clearly short lived (Charlie couldn't join them as the fencing is not good enough for the little escape artist)

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