Sunday 9 April 2017

STM 1.8 setting your goals assignment

Having done my wheel of mastery I thought I would crack onto the next assignment - setting my goals. So the goals need to be SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time bound) and we need a short term and long term.

In order to help with the SMART part I am going to try and answer the following questions

  1. What do you want to achieve?
  2. Why do you want to reach this goal? 
  3. Who do you need for that to happen? 
  4. What would you like to do with it? 
  5. With what would you like to do this? 
  6. When is it going to happen?

4 week goals

complete STM 1

  1. complete module 1 of STM - watching all the vidoes, making a blog for each and doing the assignments
  2. so that I feel I am making good progression with the course and I am ready to work Sofie and Tonto over the summer
  3. myself, and a bit of time in the evenings
  4. have a really good understanding so I can feel confident moving onto the practical element
  5. um... that is a very confusing question! but I think you are talking tools so the blog and the modules
  6. by the second week of May
forward down groundwork exercise

  1. I would like to get a good and smooth forward down and latteral bend from standstill with both Sofie and Tonto
  2. so that they understand the basic pressure release from the cavasson and can progress in ST. It also might help stretch out their muscels
  3. Sofie, Tonto, and me
  4. um sort of see point 2 here
  5. a cavasson - looking at leather ones on the internet as we speak
  6. by the second week of May

Long term goals
I am going to keep these a bit looser, as it seems silly to get too into the details for something which is going to be rather speculative at this point.
  1. To be able to do haunches in and rouvert with Sofie from the ground by the end of the summer
  2. To develop some top-line on Tonto by the end of the summer
  3. To have Sofie using both of her hind legs equally by the end of the summer
  4. To complete the STM course by this time next year
  5. To complete the ST instructor course in 5 years time
  6. To be a ST instructor in 5 years time (subject to financial and family circumstances)

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