Tuesday 28 March 2017

Spring update

I have enjoyed writing about st, but I am going to leave the home study course there for a moment - I will explain why later.

So I thought it was time for a little update. Mr t as ever has defied vet science and my expectations and made it through another winter. He is still a bit ropey though, underweight, stiff, and now his hair is falling out. But as he has made it this far I am hoping that he will get to enjoy the summer.

Sofia in the mean time is fat and full of herself. She has adopted a little colt called Charlie and enjoys fratanising with the boys next door much to ts dismay.

We have also started riding again, just short walks as we have to take t with us. So has buy in large taken this in her stride. The first few rides were as if no time had passed between rides. She is slightly full of the joys of spring though and has done the occasional dance when something excites her. Her current thing is horses coming to the fence. This is sort of my fault, we had some new ponies cantering and bucking at us as we walked past the field,  causing so to fret and Spanish walk whilst t attempted a Calverley charge. I have no idea how I held them both but it must have been impressive as the builders who were watching gave me a standing ovation. What I should have done is get off once I was back in the yard and calm sof down, but instead I got annoyed and through tonts at poor liz and charged so back down the track to make her do it again until she did it sensibley. This was basically me bullying her, because, unlike t she was actually scared not naughty, and forcing her to go back alone only made things worse. I am now having to work hard to regain her trust here.

The fence in sedentary aside we have been doing fairly well. Tonto is finally getting the idea that he needs to walk next to softie in ride and lead and we have had some pleaser strolls. And I have been doing a bit of Stelling and bending and lfs on the circle with softie and t. Whilst t appeared to take an early lead on the learning front, it quickly stalled when he got over excited by treats and then generally resisted to everything I tried. Sofie however has made a gradual continual improvement on Stelling and bending - though she has some difficulty bending to the left. However I am not confident I am doing the right thing on lfs.

Which leads to the next exciting development - I have signed ourselves up for the full mastery program so that I can get a bit of help with st. So there will be more updates, but following the mastery schedule instead.

I think st might already be helping. I rode sof in the school for the first time yesterday and she was incredible.  Super responsive and collected and doing half pass and reign back on the slightest cue. She felt so good I got bold and did a little trot. She felt pretty sound! Fingers crossed we are on the path to getting better.

So an exciting summer of St awaits, watch this space

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