Sunday 9 April 2017

First proper hack

So its all been about ST recently, but I wanted to share how thrilled we were to go on our first proper hack since diagnosis!

We have been doing walk hacks with Tonto, and have got these up to an hour now, but we really can't stride out because of poor T's legs, and I am constantly trying to get T to walk alongside so I don't really get to enjoy Sofie. Ride and lead is a bit of a stress sometimes. We have also popped into the school once or twice and Sofie has been amazing, super responsive and feels pretty sound. She was hopping into trot the other day - but I think it was more with enthusiasm then to do with lameness as she then felt very even. We had a little canter the other day - she just felt so forward I thought why not (besides I saw her fly bucking and galloping about the other day so figured a little controlled canter surely can't be worse than that).

Today the sun was shining and the leaves are budding on the trees. Sandy suggested going up to Farley heath, and I desperately wanted to join her on Sofie. We popped Tonto back in his field with Charlie and then went to he heath. I was very worried about leaving Tonto, and I could hear him screaming all the way out the yard (which broke my heart) but he wasn't galloping about and Sofie didn't seem too worried. Apparently he shouted for a long time, but eventually settled to grazing and wasn't sweaty when we came back.

Anyway, as soon as she realised she was off somewhere new Sofie really perked up. She powered down the drive with her ears pricked. It is a long old walk down the road to the heath, but we got to enjoy a nice view and admire some spectacular houses on our way. Sofie was excellent with traffic and all the scary new sights and sounds. She also seemed to cope really well on the road barefoot, she didn't try to hug the curb at all. Once we hit the soft sand of the golden mile sofie got really excited, shaking her feet and having a little dance in anticipation. Sandy was in front and asked Jess to do a little trot and canter. Jess gave up after a few strides, but Sofie was so desperate for a run I asked to go in front to let her run. I loosened my reigns and let her go, she was so delighted to just be running again. She made it a good way up the track before I felt her tire and asked her to slow down for her own good. She has also left Jess for dust. The rest of the hack we pretty much walked, a few little trots here and there but I kept them controlled and short so not to tire sof (not that she was having any of this, super bouncy pony). She did start to call for Tonto on the way back into the yard, but still waited patiently for me to untack her and through a fly rug on before heading back to the field.

Such a super little horse. I think she missed our hacks as much as I have. Big smiles all around.

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