Tuesday 18 April 2017

STM 1.3 Understanding horses

Sorry for the break, I've been away rock climbing in cornwall. Now back smelly and sunburnt and ready for more straightness training.

Just a very quick post to say I have completed the understanding horses module and am pleased to say that I already understood horses... so I don't have much to reflect on for this module.

I guess I can thank 18 years with t for this. I had to get very good and very fast at reading his body language in order to avoid being flattened in the early years.

I guess the one learning point was that as both my horses have a tendency to dominance so I am going to have to monitor them closely when doing groundwork exercises that invite them into my space. Other than that, this particular module was just dementia what I already knew.

Looking forward to seeing them tomorrow. Missed skinny and fatty.

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