Friday 7 April 2017

STM 1.2 rules and anti-bitching

Last entry we were talking about beliefs, this entry we shall be discussing rules, which are really beliefs about what is good and bad and what should and shouldn't be done. For example:
  • riders should where helmets
  • horses should be shod
  • spurs should never be used
M encourages us to avoid imposing our rules on other people, because when someone else breaks that rule is makes us feel upset, but it the fault with the rider or with ourselves?

This is quite interesting. There is a lady who rides her beautiful grey horse past our yard, she never wears a helmet and I always feel uncomfortable about that. Now my rule about wearing a helmet has arisen from two accidents that I should by rights have died from and was only saved by said helmet (one steam rolled by a horse, the second is a face plant on a road from speed). But why should this ladies decision upset me - its her head she is risking, she is not hurting anyone else there really isn't an issue there.

My decidion to take sofies shoes off also caused a lot of upset at the last yard because many had the rule that horses must where shoes. This is made worse by the fact that the few people who do not shoe there horses have a very strong rule in the other direction - horses should never where shoes! It is really hard being in the middle of all those rules. I have to say it is a real reliefe moving to the new yard where half where shoes and the other half don't and no-one really has an opinion on the matter. Thank Christ for that!

And that is really what M is appealing for. Please can we all stop bitching at each other and get on. Do what ever we feel is right, and if we feel something is really wrong then take action, but what we defiantly shouldn't do is gossip and windge about things to each other. This happens a lot in the horse world and I have always hated it, although must confess I have been sucked into the odd gossip session from time to time and hated myself afterwards for it.

So I guess for me this is just a reminder, don't be a bitch.

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