Friday 7 April 2017

STM - 1.2 the interactive quadrant

Here is where I am going to have to find a diagram to explain this one. M is using Leary's interactive quadrant to explain how our interactive style can affect others - be it horses of people.

So, like all things with straightness training, its not so much that one axis is 'right' and the other is 'wrong' but it is all about balance, staying near the centre green zone that is empowering and avoiding the extreme reds.

Funnily enough, this has made me think of my recent experience as a line manager. I can see that I can be extremely at the together end, as I hate any form of conflict. This means that I am often over-protective of the people I line manage or overly agreeable, not correcting them when they make mistakes. It is something that I have been trying to address.

The other interesting thing about the rose is that extremes in one area can trigger the adverse reaction on the other end of the scale. So if you are very bossy you might have a very dependant horse/student or if you are very aggressive you will have a defensive horse ect.

And the really useful part to this is if you have a pattern of behaviour that you do not like, you can change it by taking a different stance. So for example if a student is too passive, you might get them to engage by asking them questions and asking them what they think.

So if I want to change Sofie's and Tonto's defensive tendencies (below opposed) I should take the opposite stance (below together) taking more of a hand-over approach... I think, I am not sure, I think I have got myself confused here. Perhaps this is something I need to go back to.

The essential important info from this module is that you should not start trainging a horse until you can keep yourself in the green zone. This is a bit of a light blub for me, as all of my difficulties with Sofie has arisen because I am not emotionally balanced, she is such a sensitive soul that she pics up on it and it makes her really uncomfortable. I have got to get myself balanced if I want her to relax and work with me.

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