Wednesday 1 June 2016

Hanger and strife

war wounds on Sofie
Sofie is two weeks into her diet and has hit breaking point with the muzzle. She is HANGRY! It looks like she has taken her frustration out on her field mates. I came down yesterday to find Sofie with a giant gash down her bum.

Sad Mr T
I also found Mr T looking the most miserable I have ever seen him. Poor chap was standing curled up in the divide between the fields, back legs tucked underneath him and shivering. He had a kick wound on his stifle and from the way he as been very wary with Sof, I think she may have taken her hanger out on him as will. Poor Tonto.

After a short struggle (it is difficult to lead two when Tonto when he is trying to avoid Sof) I got them both in and cleaned off Sofie's wounds and bundled Tonto up in rugs until he warmed up. Tonto was weight shifting again on his back legs clearly in pain :(. They both spend another night in stables.

The problem is it is hard to know the cause of Tonto's lameness. Is it laminitis or arthritis? I booked the vet in for today - but she felt that she could not do further diagnosis with out aural sedation as Tonto was not going to let her nerve block. And to be honest I don't want to put him through that.

Tonto with his legs all tucked up
But what to do in the mean time? I can't turn them back out, it is the second time in two weeks Tonto has come in really lame. All the activity/grass is clearly not doing him any good. So I think I am going to try Sof and Tonto on a track with a hay only diet. See if it improves Tonto's feet, and Sofies mood.

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