Tuesday 14 June 2016

Sofie stays

The plan agreed with Sofie’s owners is for me to battle to get her sound until Christmas and if unsuccessful find her a new home either as a brood mare or a companion.

Last week I sore a post on facebook from a lady looking to rehome a hafflinger as a companion/very light hack, home for life. Now whilst my plan was not to re-home Sof just yet, the add sounded perfect for her and homes like that don't come up often so I thought it was worth an investigate. A few messages on fb were sent and the lady sounded lovely and interested in taking Sof on.

The next day I felt immensely sad, I don’t really want to let Sof go even if it is to a wonderful home.

We had our first short walk hack in 4 months (as part of the barefoot rehab). She was excellent. How many horses can you tack up after 4 months and then walk out with the reigns on the buckle. This made the prospect of letting her go even harder.
In the evening the lady got back to me. She too had been thinking of Sof all day, and whilst she was very tempted to take her on she was concerned about future vet bills and so declined. I simply felt relief. I clearly am not ready to let Sofie go just yet.

I wish I could guarantee her a home for life, regardless of lameness outcome. I feel awful that I can’t. I just can’t see how I can pay her livery whilst on maternity leave. I guess we will cross that bridge when we come to it.

For now she stays.

All smiles after first hack in a long while

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