Tuesday 28 June 2016

Mr T's hock injections

In a desperate bid to get Mr T comfortable I have forked out for hock injections. Theoretically steroid/HA injections directly into the joint should reduce inflammation and pain and provide some lubrication. The problem is hock injections do not always work, particularly for chronic cases like Tonto's.

Still, he is so uncomfortable that the alternative is pts so lets give this a go.

Sleepy Tonto
Mr T has a long memory - and still hasn't forgiven the vet for the last set of blood tests. We felt it was better all round to sedate him before she got there. I was given aural sedatives which work by placing them under the tounge. They are magic! Stress free sleepy pony. He was so far gone that I had to tie his head to the gate to stop him from hurting his eye as he was resting awkwardly on it.

When it came to the injections the vet had some trouble getting the fluid into his left hock. There was almost no space or joint fluid left in the joint margin. Looks like Tonto's hock has nearly fused on this side. No wonder it has been so painful for him.

recovering with Sof
sharing hayladge

Since the injections Tonto seems a bit more perky. He still has an awkward gate, but has a bit more of a spring in his step and seems happier weighting the legs. I really hope this is a genuine improvement and not sheer optimism on my part.

It is now just a waiting game to see how long it lasts.
Mr T doing a nice square hault a few days later

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