Friday 27 May 2016

Lamness update

Sof has been on her holiday for the prescribed 3 months. She has had a lovely time, relaxing in the field, getting dinner (with bute), new shiny shoes and having nice in hand strolls round the block with Tonto. I suspect Sof would be perfectly happy to go on convalescence indefinitely, which is probably just as well. Despite my best efforts she is just as lame as she was in December. Not an inch of improvement :(

Admittedly I never had high hopes for recovery – the vet told me as much. Equally Sof has not been as quite as ideal. The shoes have made her feet crumble, and she now has to have a serious diet because she has put on weight now out of work. I think the ‘treatment’ has actually left us slightly worse off.

So I am rebelling. The vet has conceded that traditional treatments won’t work and referred us to Rockely Farm. Hurray. I have contacted our insurance company, who have refused to pay. I am not taking no as an answer, so replied by sending them an article about a similar case where the financial ombudsman was in favour of the client and the insurance company had to pay. I am waiting to see where my mild threat gets me. But for Sof, its worth the battle.

In the mean time I am not working on trying to set up a track at home, I have another livery interested in joining me on this venture. I don’t have the experience or expertise of Rockely – but it would at least keep better control of her weight and better prepare her for re-hab. If I can keep her on a track over the summer months we can say goodbye to Mr muzzle and I would not need to trim her feet as regularly. Still, I need to convince the yard owners to let me build one in the first instance.

Oh yes – and those shiny shoes are coming off. They are doing her no good and damaging her feet. There is such little foot left I think they will fall of any day in any case, and I am not damaging her hoof wall any further by attempting to put a new set on.

I might also start riding her gently, just walk. This hopefully will strengthen up her ligaments and condition her feet. It does not appear that riding makes her any worse in any case.

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