Monday 16 May 2016

Busy day for ponies - teeth, camora, action

Last weekend Sof and Tonto had a jam packed day.

9am dentist - I had only planned to get Tonto's teeth done, but on inspection Sof had some sharp bits so both ponies got a treatment from magic Mike O-Brian

10am visit from Clara - Clara used to loan Tonto back in his hayday so came to visit the old chap and borrow Sof's saddles for her new pony (another cracking coblet - I hope inspired by T). Was lovely to catch up with her and Tonto clearly recognised her and was happy to receive love and cuddles.

11am photo shoot - Ponies very well behaved. I rather recklessly decided to ride both without a hat. This was perhaps foolhardy given both have been out of work for a while, but luckily for me they were on their bestest behaviour. I am very lucky with my ponies.

12pm pony agility - I took both round, leading Sofie with Mr T following loose. Sofie was a star and was unfazed by all the obstacles. She did do a little rear on the practice round - but I think she was just confused by me calling Tonto over to join us. Mr T got us some bonus points by choosing to take part on some of the obstacles - before getting bored and grazing. He is funny, on his own he was shacking like a leaf at the thought of the flapping flags, but with fearless sof leading he happily trots through them of his own accord.

Unfortunately the photo's reveal how very fat Sofie has got, despite her muzzle! A serious diet is in order!


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