Wednesday 11 May 2016

Thermal imaging

With Mr T seeming poorly and Sof's ongoing lameness issues I've been looking at some diagnostic options. Thermal imaging is something I came across a couple of years ago. I have considered using it for Tonto (mainly because he finds vets and being touched so traumatic) but have never really gotten round to trying it out.

Anywho's another livery at the yard wanted to try it on her horse so I thought- hell why not, could be interesting.

Sophie's results

The camera picked up traces of heat on her front feet where her collateral ligaments are - but there were not very warm suggesting that this sight was not particularly active. The vet has said the injury is old - perhaps we have more of a problem with scar tissue than an active injury.

Interestingly the camera did pick up on a lot of heat on her left hind leg, extending upwards from her hock and across her pelvis, corresponding to a sore over-worked right shoulder. When I first called the vet, it was because I thought the hocks were an issue (as she constantly through me to the left). Perhaps she does have an issue here - but it has gone unnoticed whilst we are looking at the front end. I kinda hope I'm wrong. The last thing sof needs is another dodgy leg! There is also a little bit of heat in her right back foot but I am getting our trimmer out today to sort this the absess burst whole from October has finally reached the floor.

Tonto's results

I was fearing the worst with Tonto's results as he is a bit stiff of late. Surprisingly he does not look that bad in the known problem areas. Yes there is a bit of heat in his pasterns and his hocks, but nothing too troubling. From the thermal activity it seems that his issue might have moved to his left stifle and his back just behind the withers. It is possible he has agrovated these areas trying to protect his already sore joints, it is equally possible that he has developed arthritis in these areas as well. Again the images do not suggest anything terrible, and given he is out of work and on pain management I don't think I can really do anything to address the muscle strain. I could give him physio but it is only likely to move the pain elsewhere in his body. Poor old bugger. His feet are giving out quite a lot of heat. I will get the trimmer to check them again. He has been battling thrush of late so it could be that.

So in conclusion thermal imaging was interesting but inconclusive really. Still glade to have ticked it off my 'tried it' list.

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