Thursday 7 April 2016

Pastures new

Sorry for the high level of windgy posts of late. Poorly ponies had me stressed. Hopefully this entry will be more upbeat.

At the start of this month I finally decided to be brave and take the ponies to pastures new. We have moved into a yard in Shamley green. Everyone seems very friendly and they are all set up for the assisted livery I need - which should reduce my stress levels significantly.

Whilst my stress levels will drop I have been a bit worried that Sof and Ts stress levels will rise with the change. Poor Tonto only moved to the yard in Ripley 2 months ago and Sof is not a big fan of being away from her girls.

Turns out I need not have worried. On moving day both Tanya and Kate were very kind and helpful and made the move as smooth as possible. Sof loaded easily enough, and Kate's daughter Robin helped me walk Tonto to the yard with his favourite mare and helped load him up (he put up a brave fight). Sofie was an angel throughout. Whilst Tonto was rearing and charging off behind her she just stood and calmly watched as if to say 'what is all the fuss about!'.

Tonto and Sof haven't seen each other for a couple of months, and it has been nearly a year since they were out together. I wasn't sure if they would remember each other. Horses are much smarter than we give them credit - they were instantly at ease with each other and sharing haynets. On arrival they seemed to take comfort in each others company so I decided not to split them. Tonto was very stressed on day one - Sofie was remarkably calm.

They are now out in a nice, dry, flat field together. Tonto keeps Sofie from charging about, as he rarely goes above a mooch, so whilst the field is not the restricted pen the vet advised, I think Sof should get the rest she needs. Both are very respectful of each other, so the yard can feed them together without having to hold them. I was surprised to see that Tonto is the boss in the relationship - but Sofie doesn't seem to mind that much.

I have been able to bring them in and give them a good cuddle. Both are quite happy to come in so long as they can see each other and me. I think that they will relax a bit more when they are more settled. It is so nice to be able to cuddle Tonto and Sof again. Tonto has lost all of his aggression, and Sofie is not as fidgety as before. All is good.

I do still have slight issues leading them. Tonto is an utter woos and as soon as he saw the llamas and goats he turned tail and ran. Thankfully Sofie is much braver and stood her ground. As soon he realise that Sof wasn't coming with - and begrudgingly took himself in after us - admittedly having to do a very unmanly dance to get past baby goats. Sofie is just too enthusiastic - we are back to bridle leading as she tries to go back to her field full pelt. Hopefully once she settles in this will stop. I might try and take some parrelli up with her to sort the ground manners. Realistically I know that this is because she is out of work, she will be much better if I can get back on board.

So over the next few weeks I intend on slowly introducing the ponies to different parts of the yard. I hope to be able to take them both on short walks in the coming weeks. I might also start paralli lessons with them to keep their minds active. I have decided to give Sof until the end of May before I re-evaluate her lamness. But I think we will have plenty to occupy ourselves with until then.

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