Thursday 24 March 2016

Not following doctors orders

The small pen idea lasted all of 4 days before I cracked. Getting enough hay and water to Flossy and Sofie was not sustainable. In any case Sofie was getting upset that she could see but not be with her friends and spent some time cantering up and down in small circles which entirely defeated the purpose of the pen.

I have since moved them to a small field at the back of the estate in the hope that Sofie will stay calm enough in the larger pen. Flossy and Sofie are not entirely happy with the arrangement, but don't seem to be charging about. There is evidence that they have been fence walking. A week of grazing and they have pretty much eaten everything. Their poo suggests they are running on empty now so I have asked for some hay to be taken to them.

Hungry Sof attacking the treat ball

I haven't really walked Sofie. She seems to be walking herself in the field and she is a bit lively when I take her out. Not naughty, but I do get dragged in and dragged back out again when I take her in for a groom.

I have also failed at getting her the daily bute. Getting to the field every day is also impractical.

So the only real bit of vet advise I have followed is her special shiny shoes and the only improvement I have achieved is getting Sof to shed a few pounds. Fingers crossed the shoes, rest and hap-hazard bute rations, and weight loss will be enough.

I have been looking at different yards, made my father come on a tour with me last Sunday to weigh up the options. Shamely green can provide everything my ponies need - but I still have reservations about cost and getting across town in rush hour. Going to try and cycle there this weekend to see if that puts my mind at ease. I am rubbish when it comes to decisions.

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