Tuesday 19 April 2016

The difference between borrowing and owning a horse

Since owning horses is so colossally expensive and time consuming I am often asked by friends why I don't borrow horses instead. Sometime I even ask myself this - especially when I am offered lovely horses such as the fantastic Fin for free.

However, there is a big difference between borrowing and owning. And in actual fact all the fun I had with Fin at the weekend has actually made me miss my horses more. I am particularly pinning to be able to ride Tonto again.

The difference is the bond you have with your own horse. A bond that takes time, often years, patience, persistence and work. You just can't magic that bond with a borrowed horse overnight. I guess that is why it feels so special when you get it. To demonstrate here are the photos of T and I over the years. I think they speak for themselves.

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