Monday 18 April 2016

The BFG and the adventures of Fantastic Mr Finley at Frensham Sponsored ride 2016

Whilst this blog is about Sofie – as she is on holiday atm I thought it would be OK to mention some of the who have been covering her hours so to speak.

Last week I was chatting to the lovely Louise (livery at the new yard) about Frensham Sponsored ride on Thursday evening. She had entered and raise a huge amount of sponsorship – but her travel buddy had to pull out due to injury. I casually mentioned that if a horse became available I would happily go with her – not really expecting anything to come of it.

10 minutes later I had been offered a horse and we were going! Wow.

There was then some confusion as her original buddy (lovely girl called Jess) came back and said that she would like to go. I was happy to offer her my place. Whilst I would love to go it didn’t seem fair to go at her expense. But this was swiftly resolved by finding yet another horse and more transport. Fantastic – now we could all go! Even better I was additionally offered another horse on Saturday for extra riding. I couldn’t believe my luck!

Saturdays mount was a lovely BFG – and when I say big I mean HUGE! A 17.3 shire called Frodo – must be fate. He was super sweet – even lowered his head in order to help me put on the bridle – which is just as well as there was no way I could reach his ears otherwise. He is still only a baby – so was a little worried by gateways, horses galloping in fields next to him and such like. But was so honest about the whole thing - only responding with a little trot or look. He is also surprisingly manoverable – which is just as well as negotiating trees can be a bit tricky. I have to admit though – despite his impeccable manners I was a little intimidated by his size. I was shacking like a leaf when I had to climb aboard (via some stairs).
team at the start
Fantastic Finley full of enthusiasm

Sunday I stole a child’s pony – the fantastic Mr Finley. He is the sweetest cob, very relaxed about everything, so relaxed in fact that I was not really very nervous about taking him cross country despite having never sat on him before (see the cross country jitters post to see how scared I was of taking Sof last year). My faith in Finley was well deserved. He was a lovely ride and took great care of me. We only jumped the little fences, as Finley still hasn’t mastered the ‘lift’ aspect of jumping – but that suited me as I hadn’t really intended on jumping in the first place. He is normally only pottered about – so when I got out of the saddle to let him have a blast he responded at first with some confusion ‘you sure?’ then went a little faster and asked ‘really OK?’ then finally letting off the handbrake with a ‘WEE GALLOPING!’. He loved it. By the end of the ride he had fully gotten into the swing of things – and met each line of jumps with great enthusiasm, setting himself happily into cavalry charge mode to the point where it took me some effort to steer him away from the larger fences (his mind is keen, but technique is lacking and I didn’t want to get him hurt on the bigger jumps). 

Our partners in crime had an equally enjoyable time. Jess was on Fleck the super cob – who has ample enthusiasm and skill at jumping – so much so that Jess felt confident taking him over the big fences despite not knowing him well. She is a good little rider, and he is one amazing horse. He is up for sale atm – probably just as well I don’t have any cash lying around otherwise my pony count would go from 2 to 3. Louise took her beautiful Phenoix around – who is clearly born and bred for endurance. He was desperate for us to trot the whole way. Phenoix was not however bred for jumping and Louise was sent into orbit over every fence as he jumped them all much in the style a leaping antelope adopts in long grass. Louise managed to land back in the saddle on all jumps though – had a bit of a near miss at the start – and jump most of the fences. Another very talented little rider.

Super cob Flec showing us how its done - Pheonix has his own unique style, and Finley and I are still looking up style in the dictionary

By the time we got back we were all smiles but exhausted. I went to get T and Sof in – but was so tired by the time I got the field I only managed to remove their rugs and then had to take a little lie down. Still it was very nice just chilling with them in the field on a warm sunny spring day. Had a nice little cuddle with Tonto as well who was feeling particularly affectionate (Sof meanwhile was busy expanding her waistline on grass).

So in summary a great weekend, with lovely horses and a wonderful yard. I am very pleased I made the move to Shamely Green :) I have returned to my desk this morning grinning ear to ear and walking like John Wayne – probably giving a very bad impression to my colleagues!

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