Thursday 14 April 2016

When life gives you lemons...

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade - or so they say. Haven gotten very down about the ligament lemons Sof and I have had to deal with, I have been trying to look at it as an opportunity, to learn more about ground work with horses.

I have come across something called liberty training - I like it because it is all about a non-forced relationship with your horse.  It is all about communication and gaining trust. Both ponies are bright and sensitive so I think this could really work for us.

To be honest I have to do something as Sof has returned to being a leading monster - combination of not coping with all the changes recently and not being in work I think - and I still have no control over Mr T. Leading in and out of the field currently involves me being dragged by Sof in her bridle whilst Tonto dithers behind us free range - often running away from the llama/baby goat/ his own shadow. So ultimately I have limited control of either horses behaviour and it is making spending time with them a bit challenging. At least they are safe on the new yard.

So watch this space - liberty could be my lemonade

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