Wednesday 16 March 2016

Frustration vent

I hate to sound mopey. But things are getting me down so thought this would be a good place to vent.

Just got off the phone from the vets. They are now saying 3 months in a small pen with in-hand walk work (which to be quite frank in unrealistic - Sof will never stay calm for that long and walk work will be pogo sticking). They are also not keen to refer us to Rockely - citing that Rockely is a place of false hope and the horses that come back are only sound in their owners deluded eyes.


I wouldn't mind that much - expect they are also telling me that rest and farriery is unlikely to work as well. Feels a bit hypercritical. I am probably just frustrated by the whole situation.

I am also really struggling with keeping Sof in a pen. I am running hay and water to her pen daily - but I don't think I can get enough hay there, really she should be hayed twice a day. I asked on the barefoot forum only to have a barrage of - 'you are cruel restricting food and movement' comments. So difficult when I am trying to follow vet advise.

Sof is unhappy. I tried to take her out and she exploded on the end of the rope when I put her back in. I'm mega stressed - and we are only 3 days in!

I cracked at lunchtime. Texted a lady who runs a livery yard down in Shamley green to see if she can take Sof and Tonto. It is a bit more expensive - but they would provide hay, feed and water, meaning I could visit when I wanted to rather than because I had to. I'm waiting to hear back from them.

Tonto has also become utterly feral. I miss being able to love and fuss him. Whilst the place he is at is cheap and good for his legs it takes all enjoyment out of owning him.

I was going to use Tonto as Sofies pen companion. I'm not sure if this is entirely fair on Tonto. Restricted movement might not be in his best interest.

I could just about hold things together for 6 weeks until Sof went to Rockley and fingers crossed got fixed. Not sure I can stick this out for months on end.

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