Thursday 4 June 2015

White line woes

Sofies' feet are crumbling!

Her feet have been beautiful for months, not a crack but all of a sudden big lumps seem to be coming away leaving a fridge inner hoof material exposed. PANIC!

I called my trimmer in straight away, what was going on! The suspected culprit - white line disease.

I had noticed some white line separation prior to the crumble. It looks like something is eating up into her foot leaving a deep grove where the white line should be. My trimmer suspects that the material from Februaries suspected lammanitic attack has now grown out to the floor, but the excess blood that is in the lammani following the attack is fodder for the bacteria that cause white line disease. Interestingly you can see a clear stress mark in her back feet which correlates with the February separation week. Kinda cool really.

Anyway in order to tackle white line disease we have been trimming her feet regularly to stop cracks spreading. Dowsing her feet in iodein based hoof disinfectant weekly and red horse hoof cleanse daily. She is not lame at least but her feet do still not look pretty.

There is a lot of spring grass around recently, especially since she moved fields. I'm beginning to panic about a further lamanitic attack. Muzzle is firmly back on. Poor old Sofie.

These are the days I'm tempted to nail shoes back on and be done with it. Barefoot is not easy.

Front Left foot Jan - May: not easy to see in the May photo as I have not cleaned her feet out properly, but her white line is splayed and she has sections where the wall is flaring out.

Front right foot Jan - May: this foot has not flared so dramatically but you can see the difference in the white line


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