Monday 22 June 2015

Newlands corner fun show June 21st 2015

It was fathers day, and like so many other times in my life I completely neglected my long suffering father to go ponying again

The days mission, Newlands corner fun show.

Having overslept I only made a pathetic attempt at show gear - a primary tweed jacket, barely cleaned tack and a dodgy running plat in Sofie's mane. Still our turn out could be worse - as we were getting ready to leave a shoot started, upsetting Sof and causing another shit explosion. We did quiet well not to arrive covered in manure.

I hacked there with Smee the no-sense-of-self preservation rider and her cob-trapped-in-a-racehorse-body Doc. We wanted to see if Doc would be relaxed at show grounds. Simply put, yes. He seemed to be nodding off whilst waiting for his classes to begin. He is one chilled chap.

Sofie was less chilled on the ride up there. Having been upset by the shoot and me shouting at her whilst ducking crap she was a bit lively on the way out. A good section of trot settled her down but I was a bit worried that she would be too tired when she got there. I shouldn't have worried, she got her energy back as soon as she saw jumps.

I'm stupidly excited over the rosette, Sof seems less enthused
I think jumping and eating are Sofies favourite activities. She just loves to jump. We did a small clear round course. She was fantastic - I made a few mistakes on striding but she sorted that all out for me. Hurray a clear round and a rossett. I am stupidly proud of this, especially given the jumps were only knee height. But it was a very nice round - best of the day according to the marshal (who may have been sucking up) - and it is only the second time we have ever done a course of fences. I feel confident enough to start entering us for proper competitions now.

Showing Sofie our rosette

We also got a 2nd for condition and turn out - it was a two horse race. The judge had a good laugh at my and sofie's wellies (she was wearing Tontos old trainers of shame - shall update that in another post). We also had our reflective gear on. I asked the judge if I had got anything right when he came to give comment. It was all a bit of fun though, as it should be.

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