Monday 29 June 2015

The trainers of shame

Yet another hoof boot update. It is turning into a saga.

Sofie has got rather good at escaping her muzzle. Every night I put it on and every morning I find it lying forlornly under the tree, whilst the fat haffy is happily scoffing in the distance.

All this rich summer grass is expanding her belly and her feet. Her beautiful new boots now no longer fit. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
this boot now twists because
her foot has flared
this boot is not a bit too short

The front boot have been twisting where her feet are flaring into weird shapes and her toes are so long now that she is beginning to hang out the back of the boot. We have been forced into Tonto’s old mac G2 boots – the trainers of shame. Much to my disappointment these actually fit Sofie fairly well. They are just so uncool. I’m also not sure they will cope with cross country or long distances.

So what do I do now? Renegades don’t get much bigger. I need a 140X145 boot but is doesn’t exist. They do do a giant 4WW but they are way too big for Sof.

Recently a lady was raving about ‘floating boots’ on the haffy addicts fb group. These look interesting. Seem fairly sporty, apparently have good traction, have been used for endurance and most importantly come in fun colours. They seem to do Sofie size boots. We might well give these a go.
Her back boots just aren’t quite right. I had originally bought these boots for the front but they were too narrow. On the back they are too wide and seem to twist. In a desperate attempt to avoid buying yet more boots I used bathroom sealant to try and get a better fit, but alas this did not work and I then had to spend an evening picking the blasted stuff back out the boots. I think I will have to sell them. On the plus front the old 2W classics seem a good fit, but these are pretty balled now so it is only a matter of time before I have to invest in yet more boots for the back as well.
Who knew forsaking shoes would be so expensive!

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