Tuesday 22 November 2016

pony for sale -£361.50

So things have been a little odd of late. I've wanted to blog about them but my head is so full of mixed feelings its hard to get things down.

I had agreed with Sofie's owners that when the insurance runs out I would make a decision about Sofie. I thought this meant at the time the claim runs out (December) but they meant when the policy runs out (November) so it came as a bit of a shock to me when they started to press for a decision this month. Still its only 4 weeks difference and an honest miscommunication.

Anyway, timing is not great from my perspective - Tonto has been unwell and costing me and arm and a leg and family and friends are hardly supportive of the idea of pony number 2 - especially when pony number 2 might well be permanently lame. I think I would have tried to rehome Sofie at this point... except for the fact that Tonto won't let me. He loves her and apparently refuses to live without her. Sigh!

In a bid to help me make a decision, and also aware of my finances, Sofies owners offered to pay her insurance for a year if I signed over ownership. Given a) Tonto refuses to live without her and b) in all honesty I would be heavily involved with finding Sofie a home and won't let her be put down if one could not be found I conceded and said yes. Ultimately, I am committed emotionally now either way, so doing it legally doesn't make much odds.

It turns out you cannot insure a horse that is not in your name - and so I have been written a check to cover the insurance costs. In effect, rather bizarrely, I have been paid to take Sofie. This makes Sofie the cheapest horse yet:
  1. Tonto - £850 (rip off)
  2. Sam - £650 including tack and rugs
  3. Frodo - an old dishwasher
  4. Sofie - -£361.50

All I have to do now is work out how to complete the paperwork to make it official on her passport. This would make Sofie the first horse I legally owned (as all the rest were in my parents name).

I should be feeling elated. I don't.

I feel sort of relieved that the decision has been made and I'm not going to loose Sofie just yet - but also incredibly guilty that I have gone against my family - and in particular my husbands wishes. I also feel guilty that I have taken on a horse I cannot guarantee a home for life. I still don't know what I will do if we have a family. I would feel better if they were both out in the field costing a bit less money, but I am not sure Tonto's health is quite up to that yet.

And to make matters even worse Sofie has started rearing again! This is not endearing her to me in the slightest. I wonder if she can pick up on all my mixed emotions and this is the cause? Who knows, but it is really not helping.

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