Tuesday 1 November 2016

Mr T feels better

Sorry for yet another Tonto update: his health issues are somewhat occupying me atm, poor old Sofie has been pushed to the back burner a bit.

Anyway a little update on Tonto. He seems brighter and happier for all of his pampering. He has started to be naughty again on a regular basis and is taking more interest in food and the world around him. He has got a little better at standing on three legs – though still notably sore when lifting his front right foot. He has put on a bit of weight, but you can still see his ribs, but I think his coat looks better. We have recently started to reduce his bute and he seems to be coping well. His feet are still riddled with thrush – and his gentleman parts are still a bit skanky, though he has gone off me checking them so I haven’t rummaged for a while. However jury is still out as to whether Tonto does, or doesn’t have Cushing’s. He might just be feeling happier because he is coming in at night and not feeling stress from separation with Sofie. The vet is coming back out tomorrow for a check-up so I shall seek his opinion then.

Still I’m glade to have a slightly happier horse, even if he is crippling me financially. 

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