Sunday 26 February 2017

Spring is comming

Sorry for the blog hiatus - it sort of reflects a very quiet few months in the land of Sofie.

Tonto has made it through the winter just about and Sofie has been keeping him quite and convalescing with him for the past few months. She misses the girls, but got a bit of extra company from the horses over the fence and after a while little baby Charlie pony snuck in and has become like their child. Sof seems positively broody. Other than that not much has happened, the days have been spent gently eating hay and the passage of time has been marked my Sofies every expanding waste-line.

But the daffodiles have started springing to life and the days are getting longer and warmer. Spring is on its way and with it brings new hope of getting Sofie back into work.

We still have the ongoing issue of Tonto's health and inability to be separated from Sofie to get round - and to be honest I am not sure the answer to that one. But this morning I was determined to stay upbeat and so have invested in a straightness training program as something to focus on over the summer. This is something I could do with Sofie in the school whilst Tonto eats his tea.

So if all goes to plan this blog will become a log for straightness training sessions. Next installment comming soon....

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