Friday 25 September 2020

Unlikely Champions

Another retrospective post. This time about the Newlands riding club championship weekend on the 13th September.

In the continuation of live for the day summer of fun I entered me and Sof into the 2ft 3 class. I almost immediately regretted it. I haven't jumped Sofie a single fence in.... well actually baring a small twig on one hack this summer I haven't actually jumped her since 2015. The class was titled 'novice jumping' which seemed to fit the bill, and I used to jump 2ft 3 without blinking an eye as a child, but as soon as I entered a wave of anxiety took hold. 

Sof had a little jumping lesson with her summer sharer a week prior, mainly to establish if they would be up for taking her to said show. However Sofies overwhelming enthusiasm made her sharer decide against it. This in hindsight I should have taken as a sign. 

Never the less I stuck to my mantra live for today and entered anyway. The day before I tried to steal myself to jump a log, but whoosed out! The lovely Vicki and Sofies current bestie Annie rode with us to the show. I was very grateful for their company as it distracted me from my nerves.

The show was very quiet as it turned out, and when I arrived it turned out I was one of only two competitors and was able to go straight away if I wanted. No time like the present, course quickly walked and then we went for a warm up jump - DEAR LORD I NEARLY FELL OFF!

OK um, so lets go straight into the ring before I bottle it. In my haste I ended up starting before the bell. on hearing the bell Sofie pulled up muttering - 'all we had to do was not get eliminated to get placed and you couldn't even manage that!' but I wasn't listening so pushed her on to complete the course. It was a bit frantic, Sofie charged at the fences whilst I desperately tried to slow her down/steer/stay on. We had two polls down but I was fairly happy to have got round and survived. Mission accomplished. 

But when we left the ring the nice judge pointed out my folly but offered us to enter into the championship class, same course starting almost immediately. 

Well I survived one round, and they were low on numbers. Why the hell not.

In we went for round two, boyed by surviving round one I took the hand break off a bit more, at the 5th fence Sofie was jumping so enthusiastically that we very VERY nearly parted company. I think this is the closest I have ever come to falling off sof. I landed in an unceremonious heap on her neck and understandably she did a bit of a bronk in protest. Thankfully she heard my pleas for help and stopped and allowed me to get re-seated. Hand break firmly put back on, well at least I tried to have the hand break on, but now sof knew the course and was determined to win! So we compromised, a couple of fences at speed and a couple of pauses for me to breath/get re-seated. It wasn't the performance of a Whittiker but amazingly it was good enough and we won! 

Hurray victory, first time I have won anything since I was 11. OK fair play Sofie won this one, I just clung on for dear life. 

We got a lovely red rosett and winners sash and a bottle of prosecco. I had to leave the prosecco with Clara with the promise we would catch up and drink it next time we saw each other. We did very much enjoy our ride home, soaking up the glory of championship pony. 

Sofie really is the best!

Video can be seen here

Wellington Estate ride 2nd August 2020

This one is a bit of a retrospective update but thought it would be nice to record some of our summer of fun… also its 2020 I am in self isolation so have plenty of time on my hands.

We got the opportunity to go on Wellington fun ride after a friends horse went lame. I wasn't sure I could get transport last minute but by the powers of facebook managed to get a box and driver for the day. It was admittedly pricey, but seeing as I haven't taken Sofie out since 2015 and our new mantra is 'live for the day' we decided to book anyway.

A very swanky box arrived for us on the morning, air conditioning for Sofie and everything! I was very worried she wouldn't load. Our last box loading experience was that fateful evening that we collected her from Katies. Whilst we did have an excellent loading lesson from Micheal Peace (which I must blog about if I haven't already) it was for a trailer. I was up late the night before nervously watching Micheal Peace lessons on U tube.

In the end I needn't have worried. I used the tips from our last loading lesson and with a bit of gentle encouragement Sofie walked on calmly. She was clearly very happy with her 5* travel as she merrily ate all journey and arrived without sweating up.

Once we got to the start line she started getting excited. The ride is around the beautiful open fields on the Wellington Estate. Sof clearly thought these would be excellent for zooming. However she managed to keep enough cool to still listen to me, and looked rather impressive as she pranced past slower horses in a collected but extended trot. Several marshals commented on how lovely she was.

The ride organisers had removed the jumps this year, for fear of accidents stretching the already strained NHS during the pandemic. It was a bit of a shame, but to be honest the ground was hard and we were both so blooming delighted to be out it didn't matter. We aren't meant to jump anyway.

I was so pleased with Sof, she was super excited but still let others overtake her in canter, and pulled up from a flat out gallop when my hat silk fell off (due to speed).  She let me jump off, retrieve hat silk, re mount and then back to galloping on que from me. She led past cows and other scary things calmly. I felt like I was riding a million dollar pony, in fact I knew I was riding a million dollar pony. 

I did however feel bad for poor Christina who had to listen to me wax lyrical about Sof all the way round. 

The only real hiccup was that the photo stations were not that clearly marked so we missed the best photo opps. I decided against trying to take and excitable Sof through water early in the ride as I feared I would end up swimming. I didn't know that there was a photographer at the river crossing and the pics they took were beautiful! Such a shame. We intentionally missed the photos at the main house because in order to get there we had to take the horses past the cows and low electric stock fencing. Bramble is quite quirky and afraid of cows so we decided it wasn't worth the risk.

On the box ride home Sofie was perfect again, had a little issue loading her but that was just because I was standing in her way and she was confused about where I wanted her to stand. 

When we got home I was still grinning ear to ear. How I have missed going out and enjoying ponies, and what a fantastic pony I have to enjoy!

Tuesday 22 September 2020

The bucket list

Now I am getting more Sofie time again I have started getting a bit ambitious.

T's lameness issues started kicking in when he was around Sofie's age now. If I don't start taking Sofie out and doing things with her I might never get the chance. Make memories whilst you can I say.

So I have come up with a Sofie bucket list - not that I am expecting her to kick the proverbial bucket anytime soon of course. List is as follows:
  •  sponsored ride

  •  dressage clinics
  •  regular lessons
  •  dressage test
  •  2ft 3 jumping
  •  pairs hunter trials (60cm)
  •  beach ride
  •  photo shoot
  •  adventure hacks
  •  haflinger breed show
  •  join haflinger society
  •  join riding club
Its not so much a one off list but things I would like to do with her, and hopefully continue to do with her for as long as possible