Sunday 12 November 2017

Preparing for a mental breakdown

I have just done it, all the arrangements are in place for Tonto. 11am 20th November. God it is awful,  but I do have a sense of relief, nothing left to organise.

I did have a little wobble this morning, but T was sore today, he flinched when I touched him. This is the right choice.

I had asked the yard but they hadn't got through to the hunt. I went for hunt because t has never liked vets and is terrified of needles. I think it is the way he would prefer. It is also garenteed fast.

As another form of preperation I have got sofie a sharer. I figured having someone to care for them both during the week is good. Since the clocks have changed it is harder for me to get down. And then after t is gone, if I can't face going down I know sofie is cared for, the routine will help her adjust. It also means she is seen whilst I am in new zeland, and can build her fitness over the winter. I haven't asked for any money, figured it's winter and a difficult situation.

Sofies sharers name is hannah, she is very gentle and sweet, T has taken to her and wouldn't let her stop grooming him. I didn't give her a very tougher vetting I was too pleased just to have someone there to look after them. But she is kind which is the main thing.

Due to a miss communication both me and hannah were at the yard together today. I probably was over bossy, I made her have a lesson with Sally. Still it put my mind at ease that hannah had all the tools she needed to bond with sof. Another thing sorted.

I am now pretty much free to have my mental breakdown now

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