Sunday 19 November 2017

How do you say goodbye?

So this weekend is our last, the end of a love affair, but how do you say goodbye?

I have made all of the arrangements,  in fact I have accedently booked two people to shoot - the very definition of overkill. I have left the sedative and back up sedative with smee and walked her through everything. I have collected the rugs for fixing and taken off his magnets. I have nearly used up all his drugs.

Today I invited Gemma and Clara down for a pamper. It was a beautiful crisp sunny day. The Autumn leaves were in all their golden glory and the yard was calm bathed in warm sunshine. We made small talk as we groomed Tonto and allowed him to mob us for treats. He actually lay down last night, the first time in months, so we had some mud to brush off his otherwise bright white coat. We platted his main and took photos, all the while T disproved. He has never liked photos.

I took so for a spin in the school to try her new saddle, whilst t chilled an the middle. In part it was just something to do, in part I wanted tomorrow to feel as normal as possible for tonto. Sofie, as always, was lovely. We even had a little canter.

Afterwards there was nothing left to do but turn out. So we all went down the field,  me Clara and sof in front, the heavily pregnant Gemma behind and Mr t last. I let Tonto join Sofie in a field with a fair amount of grass and through in some hay for good measure. More hugs and carrots and then we had to say good bye.

Only I couldn't, I just couldn't say it. In the end I settled for see-ya. As we walked away Tonto stared at us from the gate, willing us to come back. It wa's as if he too did not want to say goodbye either.

So is this it? Does 18 years of devotion end with 'see-ya'. I suppose the words don't matter. Tonto knows I love him, and I know he loves me. Is there anything more to say.

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