Monday 16 October 2017

Vet update

Sofie had her inoculations today, so I thought I might as well take the opportunity to pay the vet a bit more money to tell me what I already know. The lovely Mary assessed Sofie and said no improvement from this time last year... which I already knew but it is still sad to hear. On the lunge on the hard surface she was clearly short strided, and wasn't much better when we put the boots on so we could rule out foot sore (the vet was very bemused by the boots). In the vets opinion, as Sof hasn't responded to any treatment or rest, the damage is likely to be historic, chronic and with scar tissue and therefore there really isn't anything else we can do.

On the up side, the vet said she was lovely and felt there was no reason I couldn't happy hack her if she seemed happy with it. This is sort of the conclusion I have come to myself, but it is nice to hear it from an independent source. She also said I was probably right in my suspicion that she had arthritis in the back hock - though we decided not to look to closely at it.

So there we have it. Two years of stress and heartache for absolutely nothing!

I am probably going to draw a line under it here... but I couldn't resist emailing Nic at Rockley just in case she has any bright ideas. I have the money, and if I can send her whilst I am on my holiday I won't have to worry about Sofie cover.

In other news, the mystery of Sofies rug ripping has been solved. I spent a good half an hour taping off some supitious barbed wire only to turn round to find Samba mounting Sofie! Ah yes, that would do it. Sofie is just too god damn sexy for her own good! hopefully their hormones will settle down soon. No wonder Mr T was so ralled up. He has spent a week watching two girls get it on. 

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