Sunday 22 October 2017

Footfall assessment for sofie

I emailed Nic from Rockley to see if she could help with Sofies collateral ligament damage.  Nic said it would be helpful to see her walk so here is some footage from today.

And a couple of foot photos

Monday 16 October 2017

Vet update

Sofie had her inoculations today, so I thought I might as well take the opportunity to pay the vet a bit more money to tell me what I already know. The lovely Mary assessed Sofie and said no improvement from this time last year... which I already knew but it is still sad to hear. On the lunge on the hard surface she was clearly short strided, and wasn't much better when we put the boots on so we could rule out foot sore (the vet was very bemused by the boots). In the vets opinion, as Sof hasn't responded to any treatment or rest, the damage is likely to be historic, chronic and with scar tissue and therefore there really isn't anything else we can do.

On the up side, the vet said she was lovely and felt there was no reason I couldn't happy hack her if she seemed happy with it. This is sort of the conclusion I have come to myself, but it is nice to hear it from an independent source. She also said I was probably right in my suspicion that she had arthritis in the back hock - though we decided not to look to closely at it.

So there we have it. Two years of stress and heartache for absolutely nothing!

I am probably going to draw a line under it here... but I couldn't resist emailing Nic at Rockley just in case she has any bright ideas. I have the money, and if I can send her whilst I am on my holiday I won't have to worry about Sofie cover.

In other news, the mystery of Sofies rug ripping has been solved. I spent a good half an hour taping off some supitious barbed wire only to turn round to find Samba mounting Sofie! Ah yes, that would do it. Sofie is just too god damn sexy for her own good! hopefully their hormones will settle down soon. No wonder Mr T was so ralled up. He has spent a week watching two girls get it on. 

Sunday 15 October 2017

How to make friends and how not to

So Jessy and Dove left at the end of September which provided the perfect opportunity to get both Sofie and T some new friends.

DJ is a lovely gentle old boy who needs lots of tlc just like Tonto. He used to share with Jessy but now she has gone I thought he would be perfect for keeping T company. Unfortunately T disagreed and bullied him mercilessly. After a week they were separated and t is back in solitary confinement.  He is his own worst enemy.

Sofie however has been far more charming. I put her with Samba, a netoriously feisty mare, known for fighting over food, but like Sof needs to be on a constant diet. I was a little worried for Sof but they have instantly become bbfs. I went down yesterday to find them happily sharing a pile of hay and samba cried when I took Sof away. T was sulking next door. Still it is nice for Sof t have a friend,  particularly given the big deciding with t.

The one downside is Sof seems to have found a conspiritor in rug destruction and her second very expensive snuggy hood rug is in pieces.

She is also in season which is driving the boys crazy, especially T who is a particularly randy old man and spent all of yesterday trying to mount her. Sigh.

Tough decidions

I have set a date for t, 20th Nov. Of course he has looked better and better since I set it. That said he is really uncomfortable picking out his feet, in part due to infections and also because his back legs, particularly his left does not want to bend. Still, I half expect myself to u turn at the last moment.

And if that wasn't hard enough I lost my lovely cat Woody to cancer. I am terribly sad about it, particularly because I hoped he would help with t (I even made him promise). Woody always gave the best hugs when I cried about T. I have been so upset I have taken to writing poetry. I don't really like poetry - nor am I very good at it, but much like writing this blog I have found it quite cathartic.

Anyway, here is my poem for Woody, it really doesn't do him justice

The worst of the firsts

First time coming home without him here to greet me,
First evening on the sofa without him on my lap,
First trip up the stairs without him by my side,
First night in my bed with empty arms, not sleeping,
But wake to find no warmth snuggled to my back and dawn breaks silently, no announcement from the cat,
First shower without him waiting on the landing,
First trip down the stairs without him at my heals,
First kettle boiled without watchful eyes upon me,
First time I leave the house with no need to say 'goodbye',
Goodbye is endless, love enduring, mourning for the cat

Having said I was hoping Woody would help with T, even though he is not here in a funny way Woody has. I adored Woody, life without him was unthinkable, putting him down was unthinkable, but when it came to it I found I could, I was with him at the end and kept calm and was able to make the call before he truly suffered. It's been a bit over a week, and whilst I miss him terribly, I know I am going to be OK,  and I know I made the right decidion. Perhaps it will be the same with T.