Thursday 25 February 2016

Fees, insurance and hospital appointments

If you were considering buying a horse - this post will surely put you off.

In recent weeks its been all work no play for me - and not a barrel of laughs for poor old Sof.

Last week I was up at 6am to ship poor Sofie off to the vets for X-rays and nerve blocks. Today I was doing the same again, but this time to Liphook equine hospital for MRI scan.

Sof was wise to us this time though. She is normally very good to load, unless you rush her. Today she started to stroll on - and then changed her mind and charged full pelt back to her field - looking remarkably sound in the process - leaving me feeling slightly embarrassed trailing behind her. I caught her again and put a bridle on to ensure compliance. Poor old sof, I can hardly blame her. To add to my guilt I am not coming with her today and may not be there when she returns either. This is going to upset my poor girl. I will have to make it up to her.

Little does she know that I have been spending the time talking to her insurance company - trying to get back as much of the escalating costs as possible - a £500 and counting vets fee (today will be at least 1K) £300+ in travel costs. Things get very expensive very quickly. I really REALLY hope they find the cause to her issues this time. Otherwise that is nearly 2K gone for nothing!

Next time I'm getting a hamster!

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