Tuesday 16 February 2016

And the answer was... lame

Sofie's poor little shaven foot
So went into the vets practice today for a lameness investigation. This brought back horrid memories from 2011 when Mr T was first diagnosed with ring bone. Same set of tests and everything.

It was an early start, we loaded so up straight from her field at the crack of dawn. A lovely lady called Sally took us to the practice. The drive was beautiful which helped distract me from worrying about the day ahead.

I dropped her off feeling very guilty for leaving her, but better to not be under the vets feet as they conducted there investigation.

And the results... 3/10 lame, particularly on her front left foot, but also on her front right - and here I was thinking it was her hocks! Perhaps it is best I am not a vet. Navicular nervous block showed no improvement,  nor did injection to the coffin joint, but fetlock injection showed her to be much sounder afterwards 'could trot all day' so she clearly has a problem somewhere in the foot. She had some x rays but they did not show anything.

So she is in pain, but we still do not know the cause.

The vet has referred her for an mri at Liphook equine hospital (so more horrid memories for me as last time I was the was the night we put Sam to sleep). Now just waiting to see if the insurance company will pay for the procedure.

Not sure what I will do if they do not pay. I think it costs nearly 2 grand. I really don't want to pay that, but a lot is riding on the outcome of the investigation. If so has a long term lameness issue it might be best to find her a new job as a brood mare. Not fair to ride her if she is sore, and I already have one very expensive field orniment.

So I am nervously awaiting a call from the vet/insurance company. Troubling times

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