Monday 7 September 2015

GBEC Autumn show 2015

Off on another outing, this time in a box with Smee and her X-racer lucky to GBEC show.

I entered Sof and I for intro A walk and trot test and 2ft 3 novice jumping.

Dressage was a flop. Sof has been stiff in her hocks for the last couple of weeks so we haven’t done any schooling, GBEC is a big hill so no real place to warm up and a lack of marshals meant I was late for my test so I had to argue my way in having missed my time slot. Net result was a very pedestrian test, I got forgot the last bit and messed it up, Sof wasn’t really striding out. I haven’t even read the judges’ comments. Never mind. I’m not sure dressage is our bag anyway.

Jumping however, now jumping is Sofies thing! I haven’t really jumped Sof over the summer due to her ill-fitting GP saddle. I was stupidly intimidated by 2ft 3 (annoying as I would have thought nothing of it when I was 10), so was not hopeful of a good round. But Sof was great. She went from half asleep outside the ring to show jumping pocket rocket. She got us round all the fences bar one triple – which she only messed up because a marshal spooked her and her rider was no use what-so-ever. I desperately tried to slow the whole thing down – I’m a bit too nervous for Sofies speed and bless her, even though she found it frustrating ,she did slow up for me. Only had to crash her into a hedge once to slow up. With a better rider she would have def gotten placed.

Mission for this time next year: jump confidently and not feel the need to hold Sofie back. We might even try the dizzying heights of 2ft 6!

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