Wednesday 16 September 2015

Bringing the past with you

I had a little tidy up the other day. I have acrude a mountain of horse stuff and it desperately needed some sorting. Whilst I was pulling all of my stuff out for re-packing Adrian pointed out Sof has more stuff from her previous owner in a box.

I didn't really need any more stuff, but I was curious so I decided to sift through the box to see what was there.

The box revealed long neglected brides, grackle nose band, overreach boots, lunging lines, side reigns, an old muzel. Adrian said she came with much much more, but it was given away as they had no space to store it. Going through these old belongings from her past life made me really sad. It felt a bit like going through the possessions of someone who has passed away.

Sofie was clearly loved, really loved. I wondered if the grackle was for cross country, did so prefer the linked snaffle for dressage? What adventures did they have together? Did her old owner have the same unbridled joy for buying sofie new things? How must she have felt when she had to give her up?

I sat there holding the old bridles for a while thinking about this. I thought about putting them back in the box, shutting the past away. But that somehow feels wrong. Instead I will restore them. Oil and soap them back into their former glory. Let sofie's old owner help me find what works best for sof. Keep her with us in some way.

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