Monday 23 March 2015

Sofie is a star

Sometimes something happens which makes you take stock and realise how far you have come with your horse. Last Saturday was one of those occasions.

the balloning knee
I've been having some problems with my left knee. It has been long neglected. I have abused it with skiing, hiking, dangerous dancing, and some more skiing for good measure. I tend to ignore all of the subtle warning signs, like when is swells up like a balloon and no longer bends. I just strap it up and carry on. Anyway all of this has taken its toll, and it has gone on a strike of sorts after the last ski trip (waiting for an MRI to see what's up).

Needless to say I haven't stopped horse riding. Last Saturday I was hobbling on my crutches doing the field runs. I start the morning by giving Mr T attention. At least we are equally crippled so we hobble at about the same rate. By the time I was hopping back form the field with Sofie in tow the knee was really beginning to grumble. I decided it was best to ride Sof and lead T to his field in order to avoid more walking.
cheeky Mr T

This plan in theory was fine, except I had not factored in that I had just given my bloody-minded cob painkillers thus freeing up his joints. Sof very patiently waited for me to board and let me lead Mr T. Mr T was not so patient and instantly tried to march off. I managed to reign him back just in time for him to spot scary flapping plastic. Sof had a look but after gentle reassurance passed it. T decided ladies first was the best option and hid the other side - thus tying me in a knot. Then he decided to try and bugger off again. GRAH. I managed to untangle us after some mild swearing and we continued. Sofie could tell I was irritated and started to fret it was her fault. Tonto could also tell but didn't give a damn - he was having too much fun (he doesn't get out much nowadays). Finally we got to T's field and I dismounted to open the gate. Whilst my back was turned Tonto tried his best chat up lines on poor Sofie. Bless her, she had me shouting, Tonto pulling the lead rope across her, flapping plastic, and sexual harassment and she didn't put a foot wrong.

nice view on Sof

Tonto safely away, we went on to have a lovely hack and best of all I managed to lead her back to the field on my crutches. Only a few months ago I had to battle her in a bridle, now she is so quite even a cripple can lead her.

What an ace little horse she is turning out to be.

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