Thursday 3 December 2020


 Lockdown and covid have meant that a) sharers not able to get down as much and b) need to entertain Rachael outside. The combination of both means sof has done a lot of babysitting. Often friends with toddlers have also joined us as they too are struggling with what to do to keep the kids occupied.

Sof has been very tollerant of all this. I am not confident enough to do anything more than just feed sof at the gate. Not because of Sof, more because my wayward toddler loves running off. She is a pickle. At leaste at the gate I can just abandon sof at the field and chase after the marauding toddler.

Hopefully by next summer Rachael will be old enough to follow some basic commands and we can do more. I am hoping perhaps some lead reign rides. We will see. It does make my heart swell seeing them together.

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