Thursday 3 December 2020


 Lockdown and covid have meant that a) sharers not able to get down as much and b) need to entertain Rachael outside. The combination of both means sof has done a lot of babysitting. Often friends with toddlers have also joined us as they too are struggling with what to do to keep the kids occupied.

Sof has been very tollerant of all this. I am not confident enough to do anything more than just feed sof at the gate. Not because of Sof, more because my wayward toddler loves running off. She is a pickle. At leaste at the gate I can just abandon sof at the field and chase after the marauding toddler.

Hopefully by next summer Rachael will be old enough to follow some basic commands and we can do more. I am hoping perhaps some lead reign rides. We will see. It does make my heart swell seeing them together.

Photo shoot

 My lovely and very talented freind Ben is wanting to expand his portfolio, and sof and I are only too happy to help so we booked in a shoot.

We were hoping for a lovely sunset but we're not so lucky. Did still get some fab moody Skye's.

We shared the shoot with our lovely friends Jane and Reme. Reme was put down only a few days after so the photos are rather bitter sweet. Still it's nice to be able to help Jane with some memories.

Beach trip

 Making the most of summer (well in reality Autumn) we finally made our much awaited beach trip.

As a child I have found memories of swimming my little fat pony Frodo. I have long dreamed of reliving my childhood with Sof. 

Last year we were thwarted by sof refusing to get on the trailer. Since then we have invested in a Micheal Peace loading lesson, so armed with my new loading skills we booked a hire box.

O was hoping for a big social trip, but in the end it was just 3 of us. This turned out to be a blessing as it was a sunny October day and everyone was out enjoying the beach. The long flat out gallop I was hoping for was out. But my lovely photographer friend Ben came down and we got to spend our time possing for photos.

In hindsight it was perfect, first trip was nice and quiet and a lovely way to introduce sof to the beach. Had we all galloped about like loones Sof may have lost it and I wouldn't have had half as much fun.

In fact she was impeccably behaved, a bit blulshy and bouncy but that was just excitement. She even braces the waves with the help of Charly who is an old hand at beach rides. She loaded into the box fairly well, and other than a bit of a stress protest pouring she kept it together for the hour she had to wait for Annie to decide to join her (Micheal Peace paid off, I managed to get her in after her owner admitted defeat. I certainly couldn't have done that prior to lesson).

All in all a lovely day and got some fab pics.