Thursday 18 October 2018

End of summer update

Sweet Sofie has returned thank goodness! The field dynamics have settle down and the grass is no longer as lush and thankfully Sofie is back to being her sweet self. Given the days are getting shorter and more overcast I have plastered Sofies tack in Barbie pink reflective gear. Sorry sharers! Still better to be seen then to be sorry. She is also fluffing up and will need to be clipped at the end of the month.

Things are going really well with her little girl Lillie who rides at the weekends. They are doing a bit of jumping – which does sort of worry me because of her feet – but Sofie seems to be loving it. I guess she wouldn’t love it if it hurt her, plus they are only jumping little fences. I can’t wrap her up in cotton wool for the rest of her life so I have decided to let them crack on. They have parted company once or twice but all honest accidents and Lillie doesn’t seem phased. They went out to a local arena with some of the other kids for a lesson and Sofie showed everyone what a pro she was, jumping all the scary fillers without a moment of hesitation.

Week day sharers have been less consistent. Poor Mollie’s mum had an accident so Mollie had to take a few days off to help and Liv’s hectic lifestyle isn’t allowing her to see Sofie as much as she would like. I am a bit worried we will loose Liv as a sharer, which would be a real shame as she is so lovely. Still Mollie seems to be riding at least once a week now and really enjoying Sof.

I am getting to see Sofie about once a week. I am still managing to waddle down and bring her in for a groom. She is very patient with my slow walk. I think Sofie might be a god send when I go on mat leave. I am worried about not being occupied until baby turns up, so it will be great to get to go down and see her more.

On Tuesday I popped down for a groom, and enjoyed chatting to people and having horsey hugs. My friend Sarah was there with her baby and her friend. I offered to baby sit, whilst she rode Sofie out with her friend on Samba (who is Sofies bbf). As soon as baby was handed over I started to regret my decision – I was way out of my depth! Luckily Karen and Cress, experienced mums were on hand to step in :s. I still prefer horse to babies, which does make me worry about the imminent arrival. Hopefully come spring I will be able to escape for at least one day a week to ride Sof. Fingers crossed at least.

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