Monday 6 August 2018

New sharer

So crossing my fingers didn't work very well - the unpresedented drought this summer decided to break in a spectacular fashion on the day of Sofie's viewing. Foolishly we went ahead anyway, despite the torrential sideways rain.

Ellie very kindly offered to ride, and it was clear that as soon as they got in the school Sofie was not a happy bunny. She balled herself up and was desperate to put her bum to the wind. The scary corners were far more scary than normal and she was trying to run from one end of the school. Ellie did brilliantly at calming her down and managed to settle her into a power trot. Ellie had never seen Sofie so bad and I couldn't help but wounder if my nerves were also rubbing off on Sofie. She is so sensitive to my moods and I have seen her like this in the school with me before. I might be a contributing factor!

I was in too minds about letting Lilli on, but bless her she seemed determined to ride so hopped on. Sof immediately spooked so I got Ellie to walk round with Sofie to boost her confidence. Lilli did very well, she kept calm despite Sofies jogging and sideways dancing and listened to Ellie. However, it was clear that there wasn't much point pressing the issue so I suggested we all go for a walk round the block hoping that out of the school and by my side Sofie would settle.

Thankfully I was right and Sofie calmed down and Lili was able to relax her reigns on her and have a chat with me on our amble.

I suppose there are some positives to seeing a horse at its worst. One I can be fairly confident Lilli can handle Sofie and two given she is still keen to share I can be confident she is a fairly committed person.

Still I wanted to reassure Lillies mum that Sofie is normally much calmer. Lillies mum was very impressed with how capable and well schooled Sofie was but I could tell she was a bit nervous that this was too much of a jump from the riding school. So in order to make everyone feel more comfortable I suggested they came back for a second try on a sunnier day.

Yesterday was viewing take two, and I suggested they got on and rode without me so that my nerves could not effect Sofie. It was a beautiful sunny day and when I arrived at the yard I found Lillie having a lesson from her mum on Sofie grinning ear to ear. Sofie was wonderfully behaved and they even had a little pop of a fence and a walk round the block together without me. I talked them through the last few care things, like how to treat the sweat itch (which is looking worlds better) and how to put on her boots for hacking. Lillie is clearly smitten and they officially become Sofies sharers starting next week. I am so pleased, she is a lovely girl and I think Sofie will really enjoy being her pride and joy.

I have to admit I am also a tiny bit jealous. Seeing others enjoy my lovely Sofie does remind me how much a miss riding Sof. Still Lillie is happy and Sofie is happy and realistically I can barely walk atm due to pregnancy pains so its a good thing that for two days a week Sofie is sorted.

However, we are not out of the woods yet. Anna is getting a horse vetted this week so it is likely that she will give up sharing Sof soon. So I will still need a second sharer. Ideally I can find a small adult happy hacker. Still at least there is one share in the bag :)

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