Thursday 15 September 2016

The soap opera world of feild dymanics

At the end of August I married my long-suffering horse-widowed partner. Given the circumstances I felt for once I should forsake the ponies and go away with him on honeymoon.

I have to be honest, I felt some level of trepidation leaving the horses for so long. Tonto continues to be a skinny bean and Sof is obese, so I had to split them or face one very fat or thin horse on return.

As luck would have it 'diet camp' has been set up in the neighbouring field to Tonto, and now that Jessie was in the mix I thought it was high time to separate Sof into diet camp. I was hoping it would not be too traumatic for T as he could still chat to her over the fence and had Jessie to occupy him.

Alas, all good plans go tits up. First problem is that diet camp was occupied by a particularly randy ginger pony who took a shine to Sofie. This very much got up Mr T's nose and he spends most of his days stuck on the fence line brooding over their new romance (I don't think Sof is really that interested in ginger Casanova - I think she is just using him for his body). Secondly, whilst I was away Jessy was also moved out as she was getting too tubby. This upset Tonto further. Finally the long grass field they were meant to move to whilst I was away never happened. Net result is that I had a very skinny and upset Tonto on my hands when I returned :(.

First things first I demanded T's field move to the long grass. Mission accomplished. The new field had three young geldings in there - but they are too young and timed for T to see them as a threat to his harem so they have all mixed nicely together. Unfortunately, despite the long grass, unrivalled assess to the remaining mares, Tonto is still pinning for Sofie. He desperately wants to come in, and resits being turned out again. Also, the yard seem to be having some trouble feeding him his meds. He is the only one being fed in the field, and the others mug the staff to get to his bucket. They tried taking him out to feed - but then he resisted going back in afterwards and reared at them. Understandably they are not happy about the situation. I haven't been having an issue, and I think Tonto is slowly settling so I am hopping that it will all calm down soon and I won't have to move him again. I am not sure he would cope with another field group change.

Sofie equally seems unhappy with her Casanova. She misses the girls, particularly Jessie and I often see her looking wistfully over the fence at Jessie's field. As Jess is on a low grazed field, with a only a small field a day I figured it wouldn't do any harm to move sof to where Jessie is. Might as well have at least one happy horse.

Oh pony dramas.

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