Wednesday 20 January 2016

Sofie the circus pony

Funny thing about inheriting second hand horses - you unwittingly stumble across tricks they have been taught in the past.

The other day I was leading Sof to the field and tried to trot her to catch up with Suzie. To my surprise she reared without warning. Bit odd, but I just assumed she was feeling fresh and having a mare moment.

Today in the school I stood next to her and ran on the spot to see if the school had frozen solid. Sof reared again! Very weird as she had been half asleep just moments before. Clearly this is a learnt trick.

So I had a play to try and work out what was the command. It had something to do with running, and raising a hand. I got her to rear a few times via a hit and miss approach.

In other news - Tonto has started a course of catrophen injections - which I have to administer. Today was my first stab at it - ha - and I was super nervous. Tonts does not like needles (typical block). I got Jody to distract him with a feed and made sure he never saw the needle. He didn't even notice! Should have been a vet!

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