Wednesday 27 January 2016

New tricks or playtime?

So recently I have discovered that Sof rears on command - problem is I now can't work out how to switch it off or how many more tricks she has up her sleeve.

Today I was leading her back to her field and encouraged her to walk on (she was doing her usual amble) next thing I know she is on top of me with my coat in her mouth! Not what I was asking!

I'm not too worried about it, because she stops as soon as you tell her to - but I am a bit confused as to why now she is suddenly showing me her tricks now after a year and a half together. Is the jacket holding another taught trick or is she trying to play with me? Have I finally moved from owner to friend in Sofies world? If so do I need to re-establish myself as boss in this new relationship? Or am I just over-thinking things?

I am also not sure how to get her to stop performing as I am still not sure what it is I am doing that sets her off.

Most odd. She does like to keep me on my toes!

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Sofie the circus pony

Funny thing about inheriting second hand horses - you unwittingly stumble across tricks they have been taught in the past.

The other day I was leading Sof to the field and tried to trot her to catch up with Suzie. To my surprise she reared without warning. Bit odd, but I just assumed she was feeling fresh and having a mare moment.

Today in the school I stood next to her and ran on the spot to see if the school had frozen solid. Sof reared again! Very weird as she had been half asleep just moments before. Clearly this is a learnt trick.

So I had a play to try and work out what was the command. It had something to do with running, and raising a hand. I got her to rear a few times via a hit and miss approach.

In other news - Tonto has started a course of catrophen injections - which I have to administer. Today was my first stab at it - ha - and I was super nervous. Tonts does not like needles (typical block). I got Jody to distract him with a feed and made sure he never saw the needle. He didn't even notice! Should have been a vet!

Monday 11 January 2016

Pony woes

Been a bit of a financhlly tough Christmas this year, and unfortunately all sof and tonto got for presents was vet visits.

Tonto has not been well for a while. I haven't wanted to post about it because, well I guess writing it here makes the whole horrid situation more real. He hasn't held his weight, he has been choking on food, he has lost his confidence with other horses, he trips and falls too often for my liking and has been standing camped up behind. I think the aches and pains are getting too much for him. To try and help him I have put him on stable livery and upped his but.  He is getting rugs this year and extra fattening foods and going to try some injections for arthritis. 

Of course the boggy wet winter we are having this year is not helping. All the fields are waterlogged causing stress on his old joints. But if I just keep him in he will stiffen up. Can't win really. I am off to look at a yard in shame green for him on Saturday. 

Unfortunately I am having little more luck with sof.  The mud is causing her boots to fall off and she seems to be getting foot sore now her feet are soft. On top of this she still feels a bit uneven behind. I decided enough was enough and finally called the vet. She agreed low level lameness.  First port of call is shoes on all four. Tommy is out tomorrow to pop them on.

So here end's our barefoot trail for now at least. I am disappointed, because her feet look great and she is so much more comfortable on most surfaces now. The other part of me is relived. No more fretting about weather I am doing the right thing. Obsessing over her feet. Spending ludercrass amounts on boots that don't fit. Fighting off endless critics. Still I suspect she will shoe pull, so I am not selling the boots just yet. 

My theory for soft mystery lameness? Sods law dictates it will be hock arthritis.  I do hope I am wrong.

And as bad news comes in threes, Emma bought a new horse so we have lost our lovely sharer.