Monday 11 May 2015

Enlightened sack of potatoes

So a couple of posts ago I was talking about getting some lessons to help with my riding, since then I have done some more reading about the classical seat and have been viewing some photos of me on a horse. DEAR LORD I NEED HELP!
I’ve been eagerly reading Enlightened Equitation by Heather Moffett. The whole ethos of the book and her technique is to develop a seat where you can move with the horse and communicate effectively. Heather seems to use skill rather than force to encourage the horse to move correctly, resulting in a more free and relaxed movement then the pinned down and stressed performance you often see in the dressage ring. I have noted that every one of the horses displaying the correct way of riding in the book have relaxed and listening ears when they are. All the leg aids make sense and the descriptions of common problems and the effects they have on horses all ring true with my experience (I have expansive experience of what not to do). The riders are gentle and elegant and the horses are both powerful and relaxed. I want to ride like this.

So I’ve started by looking at some photos and thought about how I currently ride.

Back in the day Schooling T:
legs really far forward and my right hand is all wrong

Trotting along on Stu: Legs too far forward again

Me on Sof: look how wonky I am!
No wonder Sofie’s back is sore! I sit like a poorly stacked sack of potatoes. I seem to be collapsing on one side. All of my weight is in my arse, my thighs lollop in front of me and my lower limbs swing and flap at will. When the horse moves I seem to be polishing my saddle with my bum, scrubbing both seat bones forward and backwards effectively blocking Sofie from being able to move her back. I saw habitually with my hands, though admittedly not as viciously as most. Poor little princes has been trying her hardest with me but I really am atrocious. I feel awful, all the horses I have schooled must have been uncomfortable with me on top. Poor Mr T put up with it for years and years.

I never realised how bad I was.

So yes, I feel pretty deflated right now. In many ways I failed poor Mr T. But I guess the flip side is at least I have recognised my faults and I have a chance to correct my riding. Sofie is like a second chance for me, I can train myself to be the rider she deserves. I can spend the rest of my days with T making up for it with cuddles and carrots. All is not lost.
Trying very hard to sit properly
Yvonne helping me with my seat



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