Tuesday 5 January 2021

Golden Girl

I have recently been musing about what a gift Sofie is to me atm.

In a world of social isolation and lockdown she has been a constant ray of sunshine. I have loved going to see Sofie through out the year. It has definitely kept me sain.

Recently Sofie came in to her stable at night, and in order to keep costs down I have been doing her stable in a time share agreement with our neighbour. I have really surprised myself by finding I actually enjoy mucking out! To be fair Sofie makes it very easy, she poos in a neat little pile and always wees in the same spot, and makes sure she eats all of her hay. This makes her very economical as I don't have to remove much bedding. 

She's also so safe, I never worry getting on her, and can completely trust her to be entirely sensible despite all the daft things we encounter due to all the newcomers to the surrey hills. If she wasn't so safe I wouldn't be riding right now with all that is happening in the hospitals. I have recently been helping a friend with her youngster and its had a few strops. Nothing major but it has made me realise that nowerdays I am quite risk adverse, have lost my bollarks entirely. Having a Sofie is just what I want and need.

And she is so sweat with Rachael, OK yes I can't lead her easily with Racheal, especially if there is food avalible as we get towed their at great speed. But I know she would never kick or bite R, and when we were down the other night she smothered R in kisses over the stable door. In fact she is generally very easy going and cuddly. She had a full clip the other day, didn't move an inch whilst being clipped and helped me by lifting her legs to do her armpits. No drama lamma and I love it.

So thank you to the fantastic golden girl. I am so lucky to have you in my life.