Sunday 9 September 2018

Little monster

Since last post things have been ticking along nicely. I have found two lovely adults to share sof in the week. The first is Liv who is awesome with tons of horsey experience and the second is a surrey student called Mollie who seems lovely and starts sharing at the end of the month. Lillie seems to be doing really well and falling more in love each day.

So seems to really like her sharers and is notibly happier in herself. She has bonded quickly with them and comes cantering over to their call. Unfortunately this has made her a bit more distant with me, but given the babies arrival and the fact that I will need to tail off visits soon perhaps this is not such a bad thing.

And I will need to stop soon. I am now nearing 7 months pregnant and suffering from pgp. Walking is painful and very slow and I am not very nimble on my feet anymore. I can't even pull so up from eating grass which she sussed pretty quickly.

Some people report that their mares seem to know they are pregnant and become very gentle with their owners. Unfortunately Sofie seems utterly oblivious.

Sof has also joined the mares herd. At first it wasn't going well for sof, there was a clique and she wasn't in it. She was mercifully bullied as the new girl. However poor Newby pebbles was then added to the mix and in true high school fashion the girls bonded via picking on the new kid. Sofie now has risen to near top dog status and is bossing everyone around. They have also moved into a new field full of lush grass. I am a bit worried about the effect this will have on sof's digestion so will get her some pro biotic to help.

Unfortunately her summer rugs resulted in a nasty wither sore so she had to go naked. I was very fearful of her sweetich but we appear to be getting away with just smothering her in cream. She also had most of last week off to recover as lille switched days and liv had a cold.

All in all a very happy pony

... who has turned into a monster!

I took her in yesterday for a bit of tlc. I could tell when I got her out the field she didn't want to leave it. Oh dear she has become herd bound again. She is so keen to keep her new status she doesn't want to leave the herd unattended to plot in her absence, plus there is lots of tasty grass. I dragged her in and once on the yard she was on her toes. I tried to get her hay to distract her but she buggered off whilst I was filling the Haynet. Fine no hay then! Then I attempted to groom the dancing pony, finally loosing my rag when she nearly knocked me off my feet. I then decided this was a lost cause and turned her back out. Thankfully had the forsight to do this in her bridle. Que the alarming sceen of a heavily pregnant lady wadaling along holding a horse who is prancing and doing a Spanish walk with her front legs. Oh sugar filled neurotic sofie, you are a pain.

Later that day her lovely little girl lille came down to ride. I warned them to turn out in a bridle. I fear she had an equally bad time as I saw a post on the fb group from lilies mum thanking the yard for helping lille. I need to check lille is OK but I am slightly scared to ask.

Hopefully the grass and field dynamics will quieten down soon and nice sofie will return