Sunday 13 May 2018

All change

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Since loosing Tonto my heart hasn't really been in it, but seeing as there have been lots of changes to update you on I thought it was time to go back to the blog.

In December and January we enjoyed weekend rides, the ground was rubbish and we lost our boots a few times, but Sofie was great and seemed to really enjoy being out and about again. Hannah had to give up riding as her uni commitments were too demanding but as I was back this wasn't a big problem. Things were so good I booked us up to Windsor sponsored ride in September. We tried to attend a ST clinic but it got cancelled. We had a few lessons where Sofie was her usual brilliant self. Mid February we went on the perfect hack around black heath with Elle and Mrs D and I felt like finally things were on the up for me and Sof again.
hack on blackheath
hack to watch some stressage -plotting to enter next time

... Shouldn't have spoken too soon. The next week she seemed sore, reluctant to go forward. Hard to tell but I think it was her feet. She had a few cuts on her heals. Possible the boots had rubbed her, or an overreach, or the boggy ground had let infection into her heals. Either way, with a ski holiday comming up, rubbish weather and no insurance to cover her feet I decided another holiday for Sofie was in order. Que another month of just hugging for Sofie.

This latest bought of lameness also got me thinking about what to do if Sofie doesn't come right after her holiday. The livery announced another £20pcm increase and I was already worried about the amount I was paying. I contacted an old friend from Clandon to see if she was possibly interested in Sofie becoming part of her stud herd. I figured Sofies love of foals and her excellent breeding meant that a brood mare lifestyle might just suit her. Katie was initially interested, but needed to free up some space first. I said I would keep her posted on the lameness front.

In March the spring finally sprung and Sofie and I started some gentle walk hacks. She marched round the block, sans boots, quite happily much to my relief. I once again dreamed of a summer of fun with Sof and then I had some surprising news of my own. I was the one going to have the baby!

Now plenty of people ride pregnant, and manage to have a horse with a baby... but I didn't think I was going to be one of those people. Riding was too risky for me, I have never fallen off Sofie, but it would only take the once and how would I ever live with myself if it cost my child its life. Also I am not brilliant with sleep deprivation and would hate it if Sofie got neglected as a consequence. On top of this I would need to loose the lodger and reduce my pay to maternity pay and so paying for the livery becomes an issue. Decision made, if Katie still wanted her Sofie would be off to have babies.

Ideally Katie wanted a mare that could both be bred from and also be steady enough for her boyfreind to take on the odd poddle. Sofie is a kind sole and so I thought she would be up to the job. The day Katie came to visit it was horribly stormy. Sofie hadn't been ridden much and the wind and rain were up. This wasn't the best day to try a horse. Still I figured, baptism of fire, seeing her on a bad day might reassure Katie that Sofie is safe. I dragged Max out of his feild, much to his bemusement and forced us out on a hack round the block, me on Max, Katie on Sofie. Max doesn't like the wind so he wasn't his usual reliable self. I did wounder if this was a good idea. Thank God Sofie was a saint. We got overtaken by a huge lorry with only inches to spare, and Sofie stood like and angle. We had kids jumping out from hedges and stuff blowing in the wind and she remained calm. We had to walk past a building sight with flapping plastic, concealed diggers and cement mixers going. I asked Katie to lead as I thought it would be too much for Max. Sofie did and got us both past safely. I love that mare! Thankfully so did Katie and so it was arranged. Sofie would be going off for a new life in Frensham, until 2020, though I was welcome to visit as much as I liked.

It was with mixed feelings I dropped her off at Katies. Relieved that I had found a loving and secure home for Sofie whilst I was incapacitated but still very sad that I could no longer ride and be her sole carer. Thankfully Sofie seemed to immediately like her new surroundings. Big fields, lots of grass and BOYS! Yes it looks like she would be happy here. I have visited a few times a week to give her a brush and some TLC and she still seems quite happy. She has been introduced to all the horses now, befriending the big boss Solo, flirting shamelessly with the competition pony Ru and intirly bullying her intended stallion. I am not sure she will be having babies after all! She has been out on a few hacks and been good so far. She is pilling on the pounds but Kaite has a lamanitic mare and diet paddocks, which Sofie has recently been moved to so I can feel rest assured that Katie is going to take the best care of her.

And so for now I just have to accept the occasional visit and updates from Katie. I miss her terribly, but Sofie is happy and I can focus on looking after myself and the increasingly large bump I am walking around with.

Updates might be a bit sparce for a while, but rest assured I will let you know when and if there are new arrivals - both human and equine kind.