Wednesday 16 August 2017

Sally Ede lessons

Time for a more upbeat post, and luckaly we have something upbeat to blog about :)

Sof and I have started lessons with Sally Ede who is a riding instructor who focuses on biomechanics. She helped us out with flatwork not so long ago and started us on the path to straightness training, but now we are back in the saddle I thought she could also help with my terrible riding position.

Sally is brilliant! Instructors are horses for courses really, some work for you some don't, but Sally deff works for us. The way she explains things makes total sense and she is brilliant at spotting the subtal changes which make all the difference. She is also very attuned to the rider and horse relationship, and can instantly see where my and Sofies real issues lie.

First two lessons were in the field. I have been a bit nervous of the school since the side-saddle lesson. I know it is my nerves that set Sofie off, but until I have them under control I didn't want to ride in the school. I felt this would be a bit of a vicious circle. Plus the field means Tonto can graze whilst we work which is a bonus.

First thing we discovered was that I collapse and arch my back, which totally blocks Sofie's movement. The moment I engaged my core and sat properly Sofie transformed into a beautiful outline and started stepping through. Sally was very impressed with her, I have a beautifully schooled horse - I just need to know how to ride her!

The next thing to note was Sofie is not keen on using one of her back legs.. annoyingly I can't remember which one it was, I think it might be back right. She is not lame, just one sided.

Boyed by the success of the first two lessons I decided it was time to face my fears and ride in the school. I have been doing some ground work in the school to try and overcome the spooky end with Sofie and we are getting better. I have been giving rewards and treats in the scary end to make it a nice place. We started the lesson by getting me to walk round with Sofie on foot. Sally instantly noticed that when I was looking at the floor Sofie was on high alert, but when I was looking up she relaxed. Conclusion, Sofie wants me to lead.

We then did a grounding exercise to calm my nerves. I had a few butterflys in my stomark so needed to settle these down. After a few focused breadths and conscious lowering of energy we all started nodding off so it was time to get on.

Sofie was brilliant, didn't put a foot wrong. She was a bit more looky at scary end, but provided I didn't loose my focus and stayed calm and confident she was fine. She just needed me to take control a bit more. We worked a bit more on my position, I found it harder to concentrate in the school but got there in the end and she started to float around. Again I did notice that she was a bit of a banana on the corners on one reign. Again I can't remember which one.

We go so brave we trotted past as the pigs were squeeling and went down over trotting polls. She didn't give a monkeys about the pigs. Sofie only worries if I worry. The polls she tried her hardest over, she has a big trot when she chooses, but she did rush a bit at the end when she started to loose balance. Sally's conclusion is that Sofie worries when: a) I fret and stop leading and b) when she looses balance.

So the key things I want to focus on now with her are: my confidence, her strength (via straightness training), our ridden balance. So nice to have some clear goals.

I am a bit worried about her hind leg, I'll see if straightness training works, if not I'll get it investigated for arthritis.

In other news Tonto is bloody rallying again - just as soon as I made the decision to put him down! He has gained weight and seems more comfortable of late.  He also managed a ride and lead walk to the dear farm, striding out the whole way and even doing an awkward canter back at his field. So I have booked Lucy Chester in to come and see him to see if we can improve the separation anxiety stuff. Lucy is another haffy addict so I have been wanting to meet her for ages anyway and thought it would be worth a punt. I am not convinced we can cure Tonto of his infatuation with Sofie, but it would be very helpful if we could go for a hack without him panicking, especially if he is going to stick around longer (which is still a might not a definite).

ooo in other other news, I got the start of haunches in from Sofie the other night. So pleased.